health professionals

health professionals

Find referral guidance, service details, and key resources to support your clients. Explore our range of wellbeing services and how we can help.

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smoking cessation

smoking cessation

health professional referral form

Before submitting this form, please check if you or a person you are referring is eligible for Go Smoke Free service. Our programme is designed for current tobacco smokers aged 12+ who are Cheshire West residents. We cannot accept referrals for anyone who has already stopped smoking and/ or interested in stopping vaping.

referral form

communication toolkits

smokefree workplace toolkit

Take the first step towards a healthier and more productive workplace by downloading our comprehensive, free Go SmokeFree toolkit. This valuable resource includes ready-to-use templates for workplace policies, informative guides on the benefits of a smoke-free environment, and practical tips for supporting employees who wish to quit smoking.


contact us today

Whether you’re ready to make a change or you have a question about Brio Wellbeing, it’s easy to get in touch.

Talk to our friendly team FREE on 0300 777 0033 or, and one of our advisers will get back to you.

All calls and information you provide us with is strictly confidential.

To take the first step call: 0300 777 0033