be healthy

looking to learn about healthy living?

There’s so much information out there that it can be a bit overwhelming! We’ve put together a directory of quality information from trusted sources that cover a wide range of topics so look around and see what you can learn.


diabetes UK – reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The Diabetes UK website is full of useful resources not only for those with diabetes, but also for those looking to reduce their risk of being diagnosed.

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NHS diabetes self assessment

This short test can help you identify if you may be at risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

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drink less

alcohol units

Not sure how many units of alcohol you consume on a weekly basis? The NHS has some useful information for calculating your intake.

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one you

The NHS One You website has useful resources to help you drink less, including an app that helps you reduce your intake on certain days and build up the number of days you have without alcohol.

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eat better


The NHS Change4Life programme is full of great nutritional advice for families. If in doubt, make this your first stop for information on healthy eating.

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one you - eat better

The NHS One You website has a whole section on healthy eating, and it covers everything from the effects sugar has on your body, to understanding the different types of fats in our diets.

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mental health

every mind matters

This One You resource has lots of information about a variety of mental health conditions, so is well worth a read if you’d like to learn more.

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mood self-assessment

This short self-assessment will help determine if you’re depressed or anxious. If you’d like to talk to someone about your results then you can make an appointment with your GP.

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move more

active 10

Just 10 minutes of brisk walking every day can help improve your health and wellbeing, and with the Active 10 app, you can ensure you make time for it!

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couch to 5k

The NHS Couch to 5k programme has been extremely popular across the country, and with good reason! This app will take you from short walks and runs right through to being able to run a full 5k.

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quit smoking

stop smoking aids

One You has in-depth information on the various types of stop smoking aids that are available to you, so be sure to give it a read if you’re looking for help quitting.

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If you want some extra support while quitting, Stoptober runs nationally every year and with the app you’ll get a personal quit plan as well as the knowledge that many others are in the same boat as you.

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sexual health

contraceptive guide

The NHS website has a useful guide to the various types of contraceptive and covers all the questions commonly asked about them.

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The NHS has a comprehensive guide to the menopause on its website, including symptoms, treatments and more.

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the proud trust

The Proud Trust is the home of LGBT+ youth support. They are experts in sexual health for LGBT+ people and have plenty of resources covering a range of topics.

Visit website here

sleep better

NHS sleep apps

The NHS has two free apps dedicated to helping you sleep better. Pzizz helps you quiet your mind before bed, while Sleepstation is a 6-week digital course for those that struggle to fall asleep.

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one you - sleep better

The One You website has an interactive sleep video that helps you identify the conditions for a restful environment. You can then take this knowledge and apply it to your own bedroom to help improve your sleep.

stress less


If you’re feeling stressed, the NHS Moodzone has some great advice on how to tackle it and how to get help too.

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one you - stress less

There’s a great interactive video on One You that will help you identify factors that cause stress and offers advice on how to best deal with them.

Visit website here

weight management

BMI calculator

Interested in finding out your Body Mass Index (BMI)? Try this handy calculator, you’ll just need your height and weight to get started.

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NHS weight loss plan

There’s a 12-week weight loss plan available through the NHS for those that prefer a structured approach to weight loss. It has been downloaded over 4 million times and is designed to help you safely lose weight.

Visit website here

top diets

The NHS has a guide to the top diets that people use to lose weight. They clearly outline how they work, the pros and the cons so you can make an informed decision on the diet you’d like to try.

Visit website here

contact us today

Whether you’re ready to make a change or you have a question about Brio Wellbeing, it’s easy to get in touch.

Talk to our friendly team FREE on 0300 777 0033 or, and one of our advisers will get back to you.

All calls and information you provide us with is strictly confidential.

To take the first step call: 0300 777 0033