Three of the most talented Spanish junior squash players are attending a junior squash camp at Moss Farm Leisure Complex in July and August. The 2 week camp is part of the exciting arrangement to raise the profile of squash at Brio Leisure sites and is attracting high quality junior players from home and abroad. The Spanish players include Noa and Crisitan Romero and Pablo Quintana Estévez. Noa is ranked number one at under 11 girls and Pablo and Cristian are number 1 and 4 at under 15 boys level respectively. Other notable players attending the are brothers Abdul and Azhan Khan from Pakistan who are now making their mark on the English tournament circuit, with Azhan winning the last two Bronze level tournaments he’s entered. Cristian Romero said “I am excited about coming to Northwich to train, England is still the best squash nation in Europe, and I have the chance to practice with some great players and coaches” The Camp is part of a wider programme of planned activity. Off The Wall Squash are delivering squash taster sessions for children and family racquetball tasters at both Northgate Arena in Chester and Moss Farm in Northwich during August. These can be booked via Northgate Arena and Northwich Memorial Court summer holiday programme activities. Matt McFahn, Director of Coaching and Operations at Off The Wall Squash said “we want to deliver opportunities to all standards of players, both new and experienced. Getting more people playing is vital to developing the sport but also providing people with the opportunity to enjoy one of the most fun and dynamic sports out there” Paula Jamieson, Business Development Manager at Brio Leisure said “We’ve engaged with Off The Wall Squash to help increase squash usage at our venues. Squash offers a good work out for all standard of player’s, and we’d encourage people to book onto these courses to give squash and racquetball a go. Brio Leisure is the operator of leisure facilities across Cheshire West and Chester on behalf of the Council and is committed to providing physical activity opportunities for all residents in a wide range of sport and fitness based activity. Off The Wall Squash is a Community Interest Company using squash and racquetball to encourage people to get fit and take up sport as a lifelong activity.
14th July 2015
Spanish squash stars come to Northwich