11th May 2022

#MYBRIO- Kathie's Brio Transformation

  • #MyBrio

  Kathie is our MyBrio story this month! She has an incredible story about how Brio has helped with her health journey and referred her to a GP Scheme. These are real, life-changing results and they make for a truly fascinating read!

“I’m not a big gym-goer, but that didn’t stop me !”

A lot has happened since I started back in July. My life has changed beyond recognition. I started swimming straight after my talk with Jill at Brio. I am not a big gym-goer, it’s not for me. But that didn’t stop me... I kept swimming and walking our puppy. Then in September after 6 months, I got my first diabetic results after the new fitness/healthy eating plan I was doing. My levels reduced from 52 to 41, and the diabetic nurse was delighted and my tablets were reduced by half. Since  I've been allowed through the GP scheme I've been swimming three times a week and then three lots of Zumba each week from September. I usually see Jill as I am bouncing around a class!

So where am I now?

I lost weight over Christmas and in total, I have lost 4st 9lbs. I have got my confidence back. I should be off meds completely in April. I control my diabetes now; it doesn’t control me. Without Brio I would be in a very different place, a scary place with no hope. The staff, I can’t fault them they smile and make us welcome I still have 1.5st to go but with Brio I have the tools! Kathie’s story is just one of many who have turned their life around to live healthier. If you want to do this but are struggling to know where to start, our Brio staff are more than happy to help. Alongside our free Focus. Move. Evolve programme, we offer Personal Training to help you reach your goals. Choosing a Personal Trainer could help you not only with your workouts but also with food plans and nutritional advice! Find out more about our Personal Trainers here. If you want to start your journey you can find all our Memberships here.