12th September 2017

#MyBrio - Kate's Fitness Class Quest!

  • #MyBrio
  • Fitness

This month we’re taking a look at one of our most enthusiastic customers, Kate. She recently joined Northgate Arena and absolutely loves group exercise classes, so we thought we’d find out a bit more about her and why she loves them so much!

A bit of background:

  • Name: Kate
  • Age: 37
  • Employer: NHS
Kate hasn’t long been a Brio member. She joined after getting fed up that she was constantly lacking in energy and felt like she needed a boost. Since joining though, she’s enjoyed her time with us so much that she set herself the challenge to try all of the classes on the Northgate Arena timetable! At the time of writing, she’s racked up a whopping 23 so far, but it’s probably even more by the time you’re reading this!

Why fitness classes?

Group exercise is Kate’s favourite kind of workout because she loves the way our instructors have her sweating and smiling at the same time! “I wouldn’t burn off half the calories if I had nobody to motivate me”, she told us. Her top 3 favourite classes are Aqua Fit, Clubbercise, and Spin, but also admitted that she really enjoyed Super Circuits. She wasn’t expecting to like this one due to its intense pace, but she really enjoyed the team effort from all the other participants.

Workout buddies

Having a workout buddy has also been a huge help with keeping Kate motivated. She attends all her classes with her friend Nina (also picture above), who joined her on the challenge. “Sometimes when I’m flagging, I’ll hear Nina shout at me to keep going. I grin, pick myself out and shout “Woohoo!”” They keep each other motivated and plan what their next class is before they’ve even left the building, and they’re determined to work their way through the full list of classes. Another benefit of fitness classes is the group dynamic, and Kate has found it easy to make friends in them, so each class starts to feel like a mini-family.

Why Brio?

Kate loves the inclusive atmosphere here and says the instructors are great at keeping her working out and smiling. “If it wasn’t for them, I’d have much less motivation to keep going”, she said. She’s really pleased with how her fitness levels have improved too, and never thought she’d be able to go straight from doing an intense class to getting in the pool for a swim afterward! “If it wasn’t for them, I’d have much less motivation to keep going” She’s really pleased with how her fitness levels have improved too, and never thought she’d be able to go straight from doing an intense class to getting in the pool for a swim afterward! All of our fitness classes (and there’s a lot of them) are included in the Brio Premier membership, so if you’re not a member and want to give them a go then join today!