Finding the motivation to start a healthier lifestyle can be tricky! Mike, a consulting scientist, was faced with a health issue that made him rethink his lifestyle and turn to health and fitness. Find out about how Mike recovered from a heart attack and turned his life around! Due to his job, Mike finds it hard to get away from his desk as he spends time at client sites or writing up reports. In February 2018, Mike had gone upstairs after gardening but found himself unable to stand and says he was “bumping down the stairs on my bum like a toddler”. Mike’s wife, Sue, found him at the bottom of the stairs suffering from cold sweats and chest pains. She rushed him to the hospital where he was taken into a cardiac recovery ward and diagnosed as having had a heart attack. He stayed there for two days before heading home. His heart attack urged him to think through his health; once at home, he started his fitness journey! Walking was the only exercise for a while, with nurses telling him he couldn’t raise his heart rate over 100bpm. However, not even 60 days later and Mike had cycled all the way to West Kirby and back! Researching and reviewing with Sue, they decided to switch out the junk food for a variety of meals based around fish, vegetables, whole grains, and more. Joining Brio meant Mike was, and is, able to head to the gym whenever he wants, and he can enjoy a casual swim too! He has noticed a huge difference in getting stronger and fitter. After Christmas, Mike decided he wanted to give back and so signed up for the Diabetes UK Swim22, where you swim 22 miles in 12 weeks. But after 12 weeks had gone by, Mike had swum over 30 miles! Raising nearly £300 for the charity, he was in the top 10% of participants across the country. Both Mike and Sue are now living an amazing, healthy lifestyle, both losing weight, gaining muscle and health benefits; Mike has gone from 16st 6lb to 12st 12lb! He still has issues with his heart, dealing with a chronic coronary heart disease, and struggling with some permanent heart damage. But apart from that, he is thriving in the life he is living; jogging up to 3 miles or swimming a mile! Mike’s fitness journey has consisted of living a healthier lifestyle, not only did he eat healthier but continued going to the gym even on the wettest and most wintery of days. He loves the early morning crowd, finding the motivation to jump out of bed and head to the gym, as well as the Brio staff that have supported him along the way! Mike’s story is just one of many who have turned their life around to live a healthy life; if you want to do this but are struggling to know where to start, our Brio staff are more than happy to help. Alongside our free Focus. Move. Evolve programme, we offer Personal Training to help you reach your goals. Choosing a Personal Trainer could help you not only with your workouts, but also with food plans and nutritional advice! Find out more about our Personal Trainers here. If you want to start your New Year with a new habit and join today, you can find all our Memberships here.
15th January 2020
#MyBrio – Find out how Mike survived his heart attack and started the road to recovery and fitness!