1st February 2024

Jean's Journey To Reclaim Her Health Back

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Before the pandemic, Jean had maintained a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly and eating well, which reflected in her consistently good cholesterol results. However, when restrictions were enforced, her fitness level plummeted, and her dietary habits took a hit.

Encouraged by the supportive staff at EPSV, Jean embarked on a journey to reclaim her health. With guidance from Amber, she made adjustments to her lifestyle, incorporating increased physical activity and healthier dietary choices.

Lets take a look at Jeans amazing success story...

"Before the pandemic I had exercised regularly and eaten well and my cholesterol results were always good.  However, when the restrictions were put in place, my fitness dropped and the standard of my diet also dropped.  I was conscious that this was the case and last September I phoned my GP Reception to ask if I could have a cholesterol and blood sugar test to establish my current levels and what changes I needed to make to my diet and activity.  The Receptionist informed me that they were only able to request tests if specific symptoms were displayed.  My response was that I was now 70 and trying to look after myself and that as far as I was aware, by the time I was displaying symptoms it would be too late. On a visit to EPSV this year I noticed a poster about the NHS Health Check and made enquires at the counter.  The staff were very helpful and a few days later I received a call to arrange an appointment. My original test gave a cholesterol reading of: Total - 6.89 HDL - 1.03 Ratio - 6.69 Amber said the readings were concerning but that I may be able to reduce them by increasing my activity and monitoring my diet.  She was very encouraging and gave me a series of booklets which I could refer to at home.  I increased my walking and was able to substitute some foods for more healthy ones as suggested in the booklet.  I didn't find the changes difficult to make nor did I feel deprived. Last Tuesday I visited the EPSV to take a repeat cholesterol test. The results were as follows: Total - 6.38 HDL - 1.34 Ratio - 4.7 I think Amber was as pleased as I was. I would like to thank Brio for agreeing to host these tests and especially to thank Amber for her help and encouragement." With kind regards Jean Find out more about Wellbeing services on our website and stay up to date by following us on Facebook and Twitter.