5 worse ways to spend £11 Nov

Just what can you get for £1.00, anyway?

If you’re not already aware, we’ve got a brand new special offer that lets you join any of our monthly memberships at any time in November for just £1.00. Pretty good value, eh? This got us thinking though – there’s not much you can get for £1.00 anymore. In fact, here are 5 ways to spend £1.00 that don’t include keeping yourself fit and healthy for a whole month.

Pick ‘n’ Mix

Yes, it’s delicious, but have you seen the price of it recently? You’re not going to get much for a quid!


An Energy Drink

For £1.00 you’ll probably be able to get a supermarket own-brand energy drink that’ll have you bouncing off the walls for a few hours until the effects wear off and you feel a bit rubbish.



Pop into any supermarket or discount store and you’ll probably be able to find a bad movie on DVD for £1.00. Best case scenario: it’s so bad that it’s actually good. You’re more likely to just waste 90 minutes of your life though.


A Fidget Spinner

Ok, these are actually quite fun and can be useful for stress and anxiety. You know what else is fun and good for stress and anxiety though? Exercise!


1 Song

Head to your online music store of choice and pick up a new song for about £1. Give it a listen, have a little dance, and then… Well, that’s it really.


So, instead of wasting your hard-earned money on rubbish like this, how about getting fit for the whole of November instead? With us, £1 will get you a monthly membership of your choice. If you go for our Premier Membership, then you’ll get access to all of our gyms and swimming pools, fitness classes, racquet sports and more for the rest of November!

Find out more!

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